We want your site to reflect who you are.  That is what will set your site apart from all the others, while at the same time; convey to anyone coming into your site, that they need your product/abilities. So please help us by filling out this short survey.

Name (First, Last)     
City, State, Zip ,
Your Age
Do you have Children?
Pets   What type?
How would you best describe your overall character?
Which color palette do you find most pleasing?
What types of fashions do you most enjoy wearing
Which of the following best describes what is most important to you when choosing a piece of furniture?
How would you describe your personality?
What type of decorative accessories would you prefer to have on display in your home?
What is your favorite season?
Which type do you see yourself as?
Tell us a bit about your self; likes, dislikes are you the serious type, whimsical, etc
What type of hobbies do you enjoy?
What will your web site be comprised of? (Product, Service, Personal)
Are you supplying graphics?
How do you envision your graphics displayed?
Do you want frames on any graphics  
Do you want animation?
What style/shape of buttons do you like?
How many buttons will you need?
Do you like buttons across the top
Do you like buttons down the right side?
Do you like a combination across top and down right side?
Additional Comments