======================== Email templates - Readme ======================== With email templates, you can format your email responses how you wish, without changing any asp code. The templates translate literally into a text email and you are able to insert the users information anywhere within that email. The users information is included by using the following variables. [firstname] - Users firstname [lastname] - Users lastname [username] - Username [password] - Users password [email] - Users Email [login_url] - URL to login with [register_url] - URL for new registration [subject] - Email subject line [enableurl] - Admin only URL to view user [address] - Address [city] - City [state] - State [zip] - Zip [country] - Country [phone] - Phone All of these MUST be in lower case. (And using the brackets) as shown above. You do not have to use all of them. You can use them all (except subject) as many times as you wish. The variables are replaced automatically when the email function is called. If the variables are blank, the value is ignored. Any line containing the tag [subject] can also contain any of the other tags. eg [subject] Welcome to our site [firstname] ! A line preceded by a "?" is ignored. These lines become comments only. The available templates are : login_sendpassword.txt- Send user password register_auth.txt - New user, authenticate information register_confirm.txt - New user, confirmation only register_update.txt - User Updated record, email changed register_conf_upd.txt - User Updated record, confirmation only register_man.txt - New user, Admin to manually activate admin_notify.txt - Notify of new registration admin_test.txt - Test email to admin admin_notify_reg.txt - New user needs activating list_serv - Send email to list server to add user to your email list. List Server ========= NOTE Some hosts DONT allow email spoofing! ie - you may not be able to send an email FROM the user that has just registered using the list_serv option. If you know your list server commands, you may be able to subscribe the user from the email body. If this is the case, the email must be sent from the admin email address. Set bListServFromEmail = false in the a_config file.